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Annotator Management

Reference the Architecture page for a diagram of the OntoPortal system components.

See major section below for AnnotatorPlus information.

Basic operations

The annotator in OntoPortal analyses text files and provides matching concepts for strings in the text file. To perform this task, the annotator pre-parses every ontology as it is submitted, pulling out strings that are appropriate for annotation and putting them into a dictionary. When a user runs the annotator, it uses mgrep to find strings in the dictionary and look up the corresponding class information.

Technical details

  • When each ontology is submitted, it is parsed and the cache and dictionary files are updated
    • First the annotator cache is created in Redis (localhost:6379),
    • Then the dictionary.txt file is created from the annotator cache
  • To annotate text, the Annotator ruby lib (
    • The annotator calls mgrep on port 5555
    • Mgrep retrieves the mgrep ID (first column) from /srv/ontoportal/data/mgrep/dictionary/dictionary.txt
    • Redis use the mgrep ID to retrieve the class URI and other data (PREF or SYN, ontology URI)


Update the cache and dictionary

Using a Redis prefix

When caching data about a concept Redis use a prefix. This allows the cache to be rebuild from scratch using secondary prefix without interrupting the Annotator service using primary prefix.

To get the prefix used by the annotator in Redis:

[ontoportal@appliance ~]$ redis-cli get current_instance

To change the prefix used by the annotator in Redis:

[ontoportal@appliance ~]$ redis-cli set current_instance "c2:"

Totally clear the cache (optional)

! this section needs review
! manually clearing cache is absolutley not nessesary because it can be cleared with `--remove-cache' during cache generation.
! it could be useful for purging unneeded secondary caches to reduce memory utilization. 
! to clear cache is it sufficient to remove c1:terms:* or do we need to clear c1:*?
! if we remove c1:* then we would need to re-create current_instance which adds extra step 

Clearing the cache is not required each time, but it can be useful if you have old annotations (derived from concepts from deleted submissions) that won’t go away.

[ontoportal@appliance ~]$ redis-cli get current_instance
[ontoportal@appliance ~]$ redis-cli --scan --pattern c2:* | xargs redis-cli del
(integer) 129

Clearing the cache will also delete the “current_instance”, so you will have to set it:

[ontoportal@appliance ~]$ redis-cli set current_instance "c1:"

Set up configuration files

! This section needs review 

Running the generate cache cron job will create new entries in Redis using the prefix defined in the config file with annotator_redis_alt_prefix

The locations of the configuration files are:

  • /srv/ncbo/ncbo_cron/config/appliance.rb
  • /srv/ncbo/ontologies_api/current/config/environments/appliance.rb

please review/explain the following (is it code to put into one of the files above?)

To generate the cache on a new “alt” prefix while continuing to annotate with the prefix defined in Redis current_instance:

Annotator.config do |config|
  config.annotator_redis_prefix  = ""
  config.annotator_redis_alt_prefix  = "c1:"

Generate the Redis cache and dictionary for all ontologies

! This section needs review 

The following ncbo_cron job will generate the annotator cache in Redis, then generate the dictionary used by mgrep (in /srv/ontoportal/data/mgrep/dictionary/dictionary.txt).

Be careful! It is using the annotator_redis_alt_prefix to generate the cache, but the Redis current_instance to generate the dictionary. So if you are doing a total refresh of the cache and dictionary (after a flushall for example) you will have to define the same prefix in Redis current_instance and in config.annotator_redis_alt_prefix.

Then run the following command from the ncbo_cron project (/srv/ontoportal/ncbo_cron):

[ontoportal@appliance ncbo_cron]bin/ncbo_ontology_annotate_generate_cache -a -r -d -l logs/all_cache.log

It will generates an entry in Redis like this : c1:term:-1762481778059933889. To check for it in Redis:

[ontoportal@appliance ~]$ redis-cli keys c1:term:*
  1) "c1:term:-6548957943476862587"
  2) "c1:term:-2190092711777781258"
  3) "c1:term:-8823641121882305483"

Restart mgrep with sudo systemdctl restart mgrep or do a sudo oprestart to restart the whole stack

The annotator should be updated!

Details about the generate cache options

The ncbo_cron job ncbo_ontology_annotate_generate_cache can be run with different options:

-r or --remove-cache Reset cache to scratch (empty the cache). Do not use the -r attribute when generating cache for individual ontologies, as it will delete the entire cache used by the Annotator and replace it with a new one that will only contain the given ontologies.

-a or --all-ontologies To generate the cache for all ontologies : run the process on the annotator_redis_alt_prefix

-o STY,SNMI Generate the cache only for the specified ontologies : run the process on the annotator_redis_prefix

-d or --generate-dictionary Also re-generate the dictionary for the terms prefixed by current_instance. This does the same job as the ncbo_ontology_annotate_generate_dictionary ncbo_cron job.

Generate the dictionary only

To generate the dictionary from the Redis cache (terms prefixed with Redis current_instance):

! This section needs review 

Troubleshooting the Annotator

Check which dictionary mgrep is using

Restart mgrep and run it:

ps -ef | grep mgrep

It should give something like:

mgrep    27924     1  0 Jan27 ?        00:00:00 /usr/local/mgrep-4.0.2/mgrep --port=55555 -f /srv/mgrep/mgrep-55555/dict -w /usr/local/mgrep-4.0.2/word_divider.txt -c /usr/local/mgrep-4.0.2/CaseFolding.txt

Run queries on mgrep

You can run queries against the mgrep directly, using a telnet connection to the mgrep server

telnet localhost 55555
  ANY entity

It should return something like this (if the entity is cached for the annotator, which it should be since it is in the STY ontology):

1882193402596741431	2	7	entity



The AnnotatorPlus is an Agroportal/SIFR service deployed as a proxy on the OntoPortal system in order to serve AnnotatorPlus annotations. It runs as a servlet on Tomcat 7.

The core services are provided by

Bioportal Deployment

! This section needs review to confirm its accuracy (services included in 1 & 3?)
  • The AnnotatorPlus is found at http://{my-appliance-hostname}/annotatorplus
  • The API is found at http://{my-appliance-hostname}:8080/annotatorplus

Note that the AnnotatorPlus documentation has not been updated in the OntoPortal online documentation page at http://{my-appliance-hostname}:8080/documentation.

There is more detailed documentation in the publication supplement which is pointed to by the main paper about this capability.