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This is an advanced reference document on the 4store database.

Directly querying 4store via SPARQL

If you want external users to be able to directly query your 4store database, there are considerations described under External users querying 4store below that you must take into account.

A recipe for making the SPARQL endpoint publicly accessible is available in the SPARQL Endpoint Reference.

Local user (administrator) querying 4store

The 4store database is listening for SPARQL queries on port localhost:8081. However, the Appliance has a local firewall in place which blocks port 8081, and the default AWS security group that comes with the Appliance allows only http, https and SSH ports to pss through.

The simplest way to access the SPARQL endpoint would be through an SSH tunnel, or you could open ports to a specific host.

External users querying 4store

Security concerns

- Please keep in mind that it is not safe to simply open port 8081 to the world. 

First, the 4store backend is built without any authentication, so anyone with access to it can gain full read/write access to the triple store. In addition to ontology graphs, this triple store contains other sensitive information such as user accounts with password hashes.

Second, SPARQL is known for queries that can take a long time, especially on a large database. If you provide direct access to the database, SPARQL queries from external users can fully consume the SPARQL endpoint, leaving insufficient system resources (e.g., few or no CPU cycles) to serve your normal user interface and API queries.

Finally, modifications to the triple store run the risk of changing its content in ways that make part or all of the OntoPortal user interface stop functioning. It is relatively painful to troubleshoot such inconsistencies, and you might need to revert the triple store to an earlier version with consistent content.


There are two methods by which you can provide external users secure access to your triple store.

First, you could regularly copy the non-sensitive graphs in the triple store into a separate user-accessible repository using 4s-dump and 4s-restore (see below). (For even finer-grained filtering, you could modify the sensitive graphs to overwrite only the sensitive data within them.) Few users are likely to need real-time SPARQL information, so a nightly job could perform this mirroring. The copying might impact the availability of the repository during the process, but for smaller repositories this problem would be rare. It is also possible that the 4s-dump process could capture an inconsistent repository, if the repository is being written as the dump takes place.

Alternatively, you could set up a SPARQL front end or proxy and filter out sensitive data from queries or responses. The front end or proxy server could be given direct access to the endpoint, while providing an accessible location for users to directly access, for example through https.

Instructions to dump/restore metadata graphs from 4store

These instructions use 4s-dump and 4s-restore, PERL scripts distributed and installed with 4store:


The following list of graphs (the ones that contain metadata for backup) should be in a file called metadata_graphs, one line per graph and no trailing characters.

Dump the graphs

Run this command to export (dump) the metadata graphs from the 4store repo at my_4store_repo:

4s-dump http://localhost:8081/sparql/ -f metadata_graphs

4s-dump is a remote command that can run while 4s-httpd is active. It uses the HTTP SPARQL endpoint to export the data. 4s-dump will create a folder named data with two hashed internal levels. Each graph is exported in a turtle/rdf file. The id of the graph will be saved in the first line of each file as a comment.

For the given set of metadata graphs the command runs in 20 seconds on BioPortal, generating 32M of data. For OntoPortal it should be much faster.

Restore the graphs

To restore the metadata graphs (assumes your 4store utilities live in /usr/local/bin):

  • Move the data folder to the master node
  • Shut down the 4s-httpd but leave the backend nodes running.
  • Run find data -type f | /usr/local/bin/4s-restore ontologies_api.
    • 4s-restore uses 4s-import and cannot run while 4s-httpd is running.
    • 4s-restore needs to run in the master node.
  • Start 4s-httpd