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About EcoPortal

What is EcoPortal and who developed it?

EcoPortal is a repository of semantic artefacts in the ecological domain. EcoPortal was developed by LifeWatch ERIC, in collaboration with its Italian node LifeWatch Italy coordinated by CNR, through the reuse of the OntoPortal technology to support the activities of different kinds of stakeholders (researchers, vocabularies managers, data managers, ontologists, etc.). EcoPortal assists the community in the creation, management, mapping and alignment of FAIR semantic artefacts, which make the meaning of research data clear and explicit, ultimately increasing their impact.

Why EcoPortal and how it works?

In the last decade, ecological research groups and research infrastructures have contributed to the production of numerous vocabularies and ontologies to increase data discovery, integration and interoperability. To make the discovery and use of all these semantic artefacts easier, LifeWatch ERIC developed EcoPortal. The platform acts as an access point for semantic artefacts, allowing users to maximise the efficiency of search, annotation and other scientific data management processes as well as to perform specific tasks. All of these functions are seamlessly integrated within a fully compliant semantic web infrastructure.