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Using EarthPortal technology in your project

Several ways exist in which EarthPortal technology can be applied. Here some use cases:

  • I have a list of terms that were used to annotate a dataset, how can I see if any of these terms exist in standard semantic artefacts? Use the “Search” web service to search terms in all EarthPortal semantic artefacts. If you have a limited number of terms, searching each one individually via the EarthPortal Search tool with the user interface may be sufficient. Otherwise, for a long list of terms, use the “Search” web service directly.
  • I would like to find all the terms mapped from my semantic artefact to other semantic artefacts in EarthPortal. Use the “Mapping” web service to find terms in other EarthPortal semantic artefacts that are similar to the terms in your semantic artefact. These mappings include those generated manually (DbXrefs) and programmatically (LOOM).
  • I have a web form including text fields which I would like to populate with semantic artefact terms, e.g., to select relevant terms from a specific EarthPortal semantic artefact. Use the “Autocomplete” widget. Click on the “Get Code” button for the code and instructions on how to add this JavaScript to your web form.
  • I would like to add the graph displaying my semantic artefact on my website. Use the “Visualization” widget. Click on the “Get Code” button for the code and instructions on how to add this JavaScript to your website.
  • I would like to get all terms from a semantic artefact and re-format the data to use in my own system. Use the “Get All Terms” web service to get all the terms and properties for the semantic artefact that you are interested in.
  • I need to navigate through a semantic artefact and go through the semantic artefact hierarchy for my software application. Is there a web service to do this? Use the “Get All terms” web service.
  • How can I limit the selection of semantic artefacts used with the Annotator to a given Category or Domain? Use the “List all semantic artefacts” and “Get Groups/Domains” web service to identify the group/domain of interest.